Sounds as though the water temperature is beginning to bump up.

I haven't been diving the last few weeks. I've been playing Captian a lot. First I was sick, then I bunged up my shin, and then yesterday I managed to take a divot out of the calf on my opposite leg. I've been doing this since '99 with little more than a scratch 'til the last couple of weeks. The problem with open wounds and diving is that you can come down with a nasty staff infection... you don't want that... so I'm out of the water 'til both boo-boos skin over. Pat isn't thrilled with my recent case of accident proneness as we're taking a little vacation next week and planning on diving some. I may have to cancel my diving, I've still got a week to heal though. I'm on anti-boitics and things are looking better. If things skin over I'll be putting on the waterproof bandages and going. Well anyway, reports from all the computers on the other divers are that we're seeing a lot more 76-77 degree temps as opposed to the 74-76 degree temps last month.

A note to anyone reading this... any stuff about my personal health is on here primarily because my parents and sisters (who form the bulk of my regular readers) keep track of me via this blog. Open wounds and staff infections are also handy for divers to know about if they're on a trip. I've known a few DMs with nasty infections here the last couple of years.

We've had a busy week or so of charters with a few different groups of fun people. Yesterday was a family group, four intro divers taking their first dives ever, with two of their kids on board. Tomorrow night I have another night dive and then, unless I get some last minute bookings, I have a couple days off before heading off on vacation for a week.

Here's a pic of a Fuchsia Flatworm (Pseudoceros ferrugineus). These little guys crawl along the reef and we always enjoy running across them and pointing them out. This pic is a little bluer than true color. They are generally a bright fuchsia with a yellow fringe.



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