Gotta post a nudibranch photo

I found this little (about an inch/inch and a quarter long) guy out in the sand and rubble on yesterday's shore dive. I've seen them in Kona too, but they match in with the sand so well they're tough to spot. This pic was done without a white balance, but the color's close.

I've no idea of the name on it, I need to get myself another copy of Hawaii's Sea Creatures so I can look up some of these invertebrates I don't know. I really liked the horns on this guy, quite predominate, remind me of a longhorn steer.



Note: Something wierd's going on for me when I open/expand the pics on the last couple posts... don't know if it's blogger, my computer, or something I did when I uploaded the pics. Let me know if you are having problems clicking and enlarging them.

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