Off to Maui for a week....

Pat and I are taking our first trip together without friends or family since late '01. When you move over here, it seems nearly every trip involves meeting up with family or friends.... not that there's anything wrong with that.

Last night was spent trying to figure out the packing. We're taking Island Air for the inter-island flight. Here's a little tip for yyou island hopping travelers.. Hawaiian and Aloha are not the only game in town. Island Air runs internet specials and we managed to land round trip tix tickets for $102 each including tax and all. Inter-island flights have become quite spendy the last couple of years. There are a couple small commuter lines - Island Air and Mokulele that occasionally run deals. There's a new airline, I think it's called "GO", part of the Mesa Air (I think they're tied in with Southwest)group, that begins flying in a month or two that promises low prices. We've had revolving bankruptcies in the local airlines here since 9-11, it'll be interesting to see how this all pans out. Island Air allows for aobut half the weight of the bigger carriers, 50 pounds combined luggage per person, not 2 bags and 50 pounds each, so we've had to figure that out... our fins weigh over 10# alone.

I'm healing up quite nicely from my accident fest... I had yet another I didn't mention. We're hoping the axiom "bad things happen in threes" is true and I'm back to normal for a while.... so it looks as though I won't have to cancel my diving plans. I've been out of the water for a month now, uggh. Hopefully I can start getting some new pictures, it's getting tricker not to repeat pictures on the blog.

I won't be completely escaping work this week, I'm taking the laptop and the phone will be on so I still will be booking for the last part of the month and onward.

Have a nice week, I know we will.



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