It's 1am and I'm winding down from the manta dive....

I pulled a double today. I've been working pretty much straight through since the 16th, luckily I don't have to turn right around and get up for a charter tomorrow as I have to get up at a bit after 6 am to make the morning charters. I've been up since 5:30 yesterday, these doubles turn into long days for me. Tomorrow's a day off - to go to the dentist.... yuck. After that I have another busy stretch. August is panning out quite nicely so far, with lots of charters but still plenty of space available to add additional divers.

The manta dive tonight was kind of weird. The plankton (small shrimp/crustaceans and other critters that the mantas feed on) has been pretty light the last few evenings so the manta numbers have been a little light. Tonight was primarily fly-bys, where the mantas come in to see if there's anything worth sticking around for. Luckily at the end of the dive there was a manta feeding beneath the boat tied off to us so our divers got a good closeup view for several minutes.

Here's another frogfish photo from yesterday... it's a bit too reddish, I'd probabaly want to play with it a bit if I were going to print it up, but I like that you can look into it's mouth a bit so it's a keeper for me. This frogfish is the same one that Pat took a photo of and I posted a couple months back. Cathy and Bob have been watching it for several months, I'd only dove the site twice since Cathy found it, couldn't find it (the frogfish) the first time, but this time I did. It's grown a fair amount since the first photo. It's surprising how fast they grow. I'd always thought it took much longer for them to get up to size than it really does.

Later... gotta hit the hay before I slump down on my keyboard...


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