10-12 foot Tiger shark on today's dive in Kona Hawaii....

Sorry no pics, it was a training dive. I had a 12 year old on the dive and a tiger shark went near us. The student probably only saw the tail end of it as it was heading off, but I got a pretty good look at it from about 25 feet away... first good look at a tiger shark since I've been here. I've only seen a glimpse of one once before, in the first year I lived here.... new divers get all the luck, he isn't even certified yet (dive # two of the OW class) and he's seen a fish that most divers here dream of. Anyway, the shark paid no attention to us, it was swimming along the rocks near shore.

The water's nice and comfortably warm now, I saw 79/81 today on my computer. It took a while to warm up, but we're about where we usually are this time of year now.

Here's a shot of a Zebra Moray (Gymnomuraena zebra) I took back in '03 with my first digital camera. I may have posted it before, but I'm not going to look back through the archives tonight... I hate doing repeats, but I'll take a chance, I liked this photo quite a bit at the time I took it.



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