A face only a mother could love?

We found this little guy on a drift dive the other day. I was pretty much unaware that these critters existed a couple of years ago until one ws pointed out to me and I found out what to look for. It's a Reticulated Frogfish (Antennarius tuberosus). These frogfish are generally found deep in coral heads and don't look like the typical frogfish found here. They're tough to get a picture of, so far when I've seen them I've had to deal with surge so getting them in focus or from a good angle is tough.

We've been reasonably busy. I've had one diver here for coming up on two weeks now who's been going out every day. He's taken off a couple of the days where we haven't had others scheduled so he could explore the island. On days he's been by himself we've explored a new (for us anyway) dive site or two, but most of the days have been filled in by last minute divers looking for an operator. In the last few weeks I've had divers from three companies hook up with me after they were cancelled on, lots of boats won't go out unless they have enough divers, I try not to cancel on anyone I've already booked.

We've finally had some summer weather recently, with nice sunshine in the mornings several of the last days. The manta dive is still hopping, we had 17 on our dive the end of last week and it's still been about the same the last few nights. On the manta dive - I'm trying to set it up so I only go two nights a week so I can go fairly full. It's tough doing it more often because I'm pretty much scheduled for 7 day trips a week, and going out in the evening several times a week half full really doesn't pay - So from here on the official evenings for the manta dive with us are Monday and Thursday. I'll honor existing scheduled nights and am open to others IF you have 5-6 divers, but going to Mondays and Thursdays makes sense as it'll give the crew and I a couple of days to catch up on lost sleep between dives. I've got to get the days listed on the website, but my computer with the web programming died and I've either got to figure out a new program since my old web editor isn't all that compatible with Vista or get another copy of my previous program onto one of our old laptops that have XP. Technology... Yuck.

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