I hope posting photos of someone famous doing their work is kosher. I'm at the big Scuba diving trade show in Orlando for a few days. Wyland, a well known aquatic wildlife artist (many will know of him from his "whaling wall" murals in many cities) was there doing a smallish mural for the show.
We saw him laying down the first black for the background in the morning, a couple hours later he'd lined out the manatees (first photo) and by day's end he was at the point of the second photo.
Orlando was quite nice today, Kona-like weather, it'd been a tad bit chilly and breezy earlier compared to what Pat and I are used to in Kona. Now that I'v figured out how to edit and reduce the resolution of photos on my laptop, I'll try to take some more pics in the next day or two to give yuou an idea of what goes on at the trade show.
- Kona Hawaii octopus scuba diving underwater video
- Madagascar Day Gecko - now common in Kona.
- Gorgeous day in Kona today
- Happy thanksgiving to all.
- Lipitor and scuba diving.... Can health issues af...
- Final Texas / Florida trip report.
- A swarm of manta rays at the Kona manta ray night ...
- Back in Kona again.
- DEMA - the scuba diving trade show in Orlando
- Wyland painting manatees at DEMA in Orlando novemb...
- So where do people who live in Hawaii go on vacation?
- I'm wearing pants, shoes too.