Ok, stupid post title, I'm just giving the search engines something to digest. I keep forgetting that I do have some short videos I can post... I'm running out of newer photos.
The surf is quite up today. It'll probably be up again tomorrow and then will hopefully settle back down for a while, we've had a cold front hanging off to the northwest.
Octopus are neat critters. Lots of DMs/dive guides will grab these guys 'til they're inked out and then hand them off the customers. I prefer to just lay low and sit back a few feet to see if they'll give a show. It's neat how they can change their textures and colors practically instantly. The video doesn't give it justice, but it does give you an idea of what they do.
Good evening,
- Kona Hawaii octopus scuba diving underwater video
- Madagascar Day Gecko - now common in Kona.
- Gorgeous day in Kona today
- Happy thanksgiving to all.
- Lipitor and scuba diving.... Can health issues af...
- Final Texas / Florida trip report.
- A swarm of manta rays at the Kona manta ray night ...
- Back in Kona again.
- DEMA - the scuba diving trade show in Orlando
- Wyland painting manatees at DEMA in Orlando novemb...
- So where do people who live in Hawaii go on vacation?
- I'm wearing pants, shoes too.