Today's dives.


We had a family on board today for some dives. Tons of dolphins were seen while cruising on the surface before and between dives.

I captained the first dive, a drift dive off the north end of the airport at a site called "Hoover's". There's a couple stories behind the name, some say it was named after the John Hoover, how wrote probably the best hawaiian fish ID book out, and others say it was named after a resident eel that the dive ops used to (before my time) handle that resembled J. Edgar Hoover. I led the second dive off a site outside the harbor. this dive site is known by various names- Crescent beach, manta ray bay, eagle ray bay, naia (hawaiian for dolphin) bay - it varies between operators, and I think it also depends on what they saw most recently. Highlights of the dive were octopus, cleaner shrimp, garden eels, anthias, a couple of nice ulua, an eagle ray, a group of heller's barracuda, fuchsia flatworm and other goodies.



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