Did two dives today.

We had a group on the boat today who wanted to do some intro dives and snorkeling. Luckily the big surf we had the last couple of days settled down overnight, we might not have run the charter if it hadn't. The surf the last couple of days was to the point that much of the shallow water stuff was pretty stirred up and it would have been miserable for beginning divers and snorkelers. Today's conditions were very good.

Highlights of the day were a 4-5 foot barracuda (we don't see lots of them) who'd readily let us approach very close, a sleeping white tip reef shark, lots of firedart fish (rememeber them from an earlier post) flame angels, psychedelic wrasses and the usual assorted fish.

I received my housing for my year old, and now discontinued, Olympus 8 mp digital camera, and took a dive down to 115' to play with all the buttons and levers in the housing (empty) to make sure if anything was going to leak it'd happen before I actually put a camera in it (knock on wood). So far so good. I may put it on the boat tomorrow.



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