Malta Weather Forecast & Average Temperature in Malta - Chikarma Diving

The peak season for travel to Malta is June to September, when many resort hotels are booked solid. However, daytime temperatures in July and August can reach more than 35ºC – uncomfortably hot – and it’s tough to find your own patch of sand or rock at any beach. Weather-wise, the best time to visit is spring (April to June) and autumn (September and October), though September still counts as high season in many hotels and the pleasant weather can sometimes be interrupted by a hot and humid wind, or rainfall. For water-babies, the sea temperature is considerably warmer in autumn than in spring. The availability of luxury self-catering apartments to rent is a good option for accommodation and is becoming more popular with tourists who want to be in control.

Average Temperature in Malta
Average Temperature in Malta - Weather
In November and December daytime temperatures range from 13ºC to 19ºC and a fair amount of sunshine between spells of rain showers (the total annual rainfall is low, at around 580mm, and it falls mainly between September and February). January and February are the coldest months, when a strong northeasterly wind (the grigal) makes conditions more unpleasant. Winds are a feature of Malta’s weather. The stiff sea breeze is cooling in summer, but in winter the grigal can whip up the waves that pound across the harbour walls and occasionally disrupt the ferry service to Gozo. In spring and autumn the southeasterly xlokk (sirocco) sometimes blows in from North Africa, bringing humid and occasionally foggy conditions.

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