Great scuba diving in Kona Hawaii today....

Today was a blast. We went up to Makawena, a site way up north by the cinder cone you can see along the highway near the resorts, and had a very nice first dive. That area was practically inundated by whales, and we had whales swim very close to the boat at the dive site. During the dive the divers were treated to a group of dolphins underwater - I've got video, check back on the next post.

For the day we had some nice sights... archways, lava tubes, a whitetip reef shark, dolphins underwater, scads of whales above water, a barracuda and much more.

Here's a picture of a juvenile Dragon Wrasse. These guys are very tough to get a good shot of, this is about as close as I can get most of the time. They tend to flitter and drift with what little current or surge there is so they're always on the move. Very cool looking.



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