Unfortunately not underwater though. We saw whales in between our dives and after our dives, and while our divers were down on dive number two, I managed to get a couple shots off.
Keep in mind,

this was done with a point and shoot camera at an extreme distance. The whales were
almost a half mile out beyond the mooring I was tied off to. These pictures were taken beyond the normal optical zoom. I've got a 2X optical lens I may have to try on the boat, but the better option would be to be lucky enough to have the whales randomly breach very close to the boat just as I was taking a picture pointed in their direction. Anyway, I'm just happy to have them coming out of the water.
Fun, fun, fun.
So people occasionally wonder how to find my blog. It's pretty easy to find just by googling the words kona, scuba and blog in one search, but I do get a kick on how people sometimes accidentally find my blog. I can look up recent search phrases, sometimes the phrases people search for are kind of fun... Here's one from the other day "crazy people diving in water from big hills"... I don't know if they were searching for cliff divers or what, but I place quite well in that search. I'm continuously surprised at how many people search for "hawaii otters", every couple of months I get someone finding my blog searching with this phrase. Once again, I come up quite well on this phrase, based on one post quite a while back, they're in for either a chuckle or a let down - if you try it and find a post you've not seen yet, give the video a look. There's been lots of others that get me wondering... I'll try to post the fun search inquiries from time to time.