Book review... Hawai'i's Fishes - a guide for snorkelers and and divers - second edition by John Hoover

I've mentioned in the past that the first edition of this book was terrific. Last year, John Hoover left a comment on this post that he'd put out a new edition. I had to run down to Costco to pick up a copy, but Amazon did not have it available so I never reviewed it. I haven't looked in quite some time, but it's definitely available outside of Hawaii nowadays. This is it:

This is an upgrade from the first edition... more species, more pictures, and good pictures of juvenile and adult stages of species that change appearance during their lives.

I'd highly recommend this book for a guide to Hawaiian fish.... but check out this next post as I'll quickly review an even more recent book by John Hoover that you might be tempted by (if you can't find the post following this one, check the archives for January '09 or just click on the "book review" in the label tag below this post).



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