A short manta ray video from the manta ray night dive in Kona Hawaii...

Manta rays eating plankton in Kona Hawaii from Steve on Vimeo.

The manta ray dive has been pretty active the last couple of weeks. Here's a short video from a slow night a few months back. If you want to see what it's like on a busy night, go to my May archives, or click on the "video" label below.

This video does a good job of showing the plankton that the mantas feed on. Plankton is a mix of small critters and larval shrimp and fish and such that is on the reef and tends to come out at night. It's attracted to light like moths. Over time the manta rays have learned that light means food, so they key on the diver's lights when they are feeding. Garden Eel Cove, off the Kona airport, is a spot that's rich in plankton and most of the dive operators here run their manta ray night dive at this location.




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