Did a three tank dive trip today...

Today we did a three tank dive trip up north. We did Kua Bay and Makalawena dives along with a dive closer in to town. Kua Bay is a very nice dive, especially when you've done all the closer in dives. Makalawena is an exceptional dive (I don't want to describe it 'til I dive it... let's just today's divers said there were about 10 swimthrough archways within 100 feet of the boat) we'll probably start doing more often as the weather and swell conditions improve. I'd heard about the Makalawena dive but had never actually done it. Today's group was a bunch that had dove with Bob over the years so he did the diving, but I managed to snorkel the site and could tell it's really quite something. It's a bit of a haul up there so I'm trying to figure out how to work it charge-wise since I often just go out with two or three divers and that trip would make a break even charter into a money loser between fuel and extra time.

Speaking of pricing... just a note to anyone who's thinking about booking, I'm probably going to have to sit down and open my web page program and bump prices a bit in the next month. I'll honor all pre-existing prices on bookings, so if you are thinkiing about setting somethin up for later in the year, you might want to just book before the prices creep upward.

The pic above is of a Zooanthid colony that Pat took a couple of weeks back. This particular colony is absolutely HUGE, maybe 25-30 feet or more long, usually we see only small clusters of them if we see them at all as they aren't all that common.

I'm busy the next couple of days, so I'll probably post again on the weekend.



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