Back to work...

I've got charters from today through Monday (OK, well I have the Superbowl off so far) at least and there's no way I'm not working them. I seem to be getting around just fine, just aches quite a bit.

Today's charter was fun. It was just one person, he booked several days well in advance, and I'm not going to cancel on him just because of not getting other customers for the day. He got to see some VERY COOL stuff.... Dragon moray, Magnificent Snake eel, Great Barracuda, 2 (holy cow) male Whitley's boxfish, as well as having a group of passing Spinner Dolphins descend to right over his head... I wish I was leading the dives. Bob is off to Thailand for some diving, so Cathy's leading all the dives 'til I'm back in the water.

This was a nice little coral head. If you take a look on the right side of the head you'll see an Arc-eyed Hawkfish patiently waiting for something small to swoop down on. It's easy to pass coral heads by, but if you take the time to look down in them sometimes you'll find some very interesting critters.

The weather on the water was gorgeous today. Early on we could see snow on top of Mauna Loa, the clouds later appeared up mauka for some late afternoon rain uphill. Apparently the other side of the island has been quite wet the last day or two. The diver reported 73 degrees on his dive computer... burr, winter's here.



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