Whoohoo!!!! Oregon State University Beavers just win 2nd consecutive College World Series!!!

OK, I'm not a big baseball fan these days, but being a former OSU student this is even bigger than my "whoohoo" I gave them last year... Only three teams have repeated since the 60's. Congrats. I do feel sorry for UNC though, they lost the series twice in a row now, it's an accomplishment just getting there, not to mention twice.

So I gotta admit, I knew the Beavs were to at least the quarterfinals and didn't realize they'd made it to the finals, but yesterday Pat and I ran errands, heard a radio commercial for Don the Beachcombers restaurant and Mai Tai Tiki Bar... and being the Tiki fans that we are we had to go check it out. Anyway, the first game of the series was on at the time so we got to watch it and had to watch the last innings of tonight's game. BTW... Beachcombers... big thumbs up for the visual improvements in the bar and diner. We'll have to do dinner there (I've heard lots of positive on the forums at Konaweb) but the bar was opened up, it used to be sort of screened off. This bar and restaurant probably has the best overall view in Kona of any bar/restaurant I can think of off hand. Happy hour - Don's original mai tias (not watered down) at half price - $21 got us 4 mai tais and the bartender a decent tip, not bad for Hawaii.

Here's a video from some time ago I may have already put up, but not using youtube, so it may not be accessible in the earlier post. The manta dive is a hoot.



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