Gorgeous weather in Kona right now.

We had a real rainy morning the other day, but it cleared up nicely and has been beautiful since.

We've had a bunch of good diving. In the past week or so the divers have seen frogfish, white tip reef sharks, dolphins on the dive, leaf scorpions, eagle rays, flame angels (I found a new spot with a trio - A customer had mentioned seeing them near a certain spot a couple winters back, I think I found the spot - they're highly territiorial so I expect to be able to find them from here on), several groups of psychedelic wrasses, garden eels and other goodies. Vis has been outstanding, with upwards of 120'-150' + on a couple of days earlier this week.

We're off to do a night dive tonight. There haven't been any mantas for a couple of weeks, but there was one last night. I'll give the divers the option of trying the manta dive or another spot for a regular night dive.

Here's a shot of a diver taking photos at an archway at Kaloko where the tiape like to hang out.



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