Kona Hawaii scuba diving...

So here's a picture or two of me after eating at the Saturday night buffet at the Four Seasons Hualalai, which is a few miles north of the Kona airport. They have a steak and lobster buffet every Saturday night out at their beach grill/bar.
We had a friend in town, actually one of our very first vacation rental customers who has since become a friend, who recommended it.

I'd also have to highly recommend this meal if you are looking for a high end meal at some point if you are visiting, or living, here. The atmosphere is great. They set out tables on the beach, and being the time of year that it is you can watch the whales splashing offshore. They put out a sizeable buffet, with steak, baby back ribs, fish, steamed clams, completely delicious lobster tails that they barbeque in front of you, the usual cold seafoods and salads plus a sushi bar and deserts.... yum yum!!! They also had a smore station (you know - graham crackers, chocolate, marshmallows and fire) where you could make your own smores on the beach if you want, I thought that was a novel touch. After it gets dark they apparently bring out the telescopes, we didn't see them this night, either we left before they were put out or they passed as it was overcast that night. Anyway, at 78 bucks a head for just the meal, it's not a regular thing for us, but I'm sure we'll be back when we feel like splurging again as it was excellent.

So just in case you haven't figured it out yet, that isn't actually me in the pictures... it's just sorta how I looked and felt afterwards (I had 10-12 lobster tails and a ton of ribs along with everything else). This little Hawaiian Whitespotted Toby (Canthigaster jactator) was something I found on our shore dive the other day. He was really full and I wanted to get a shot of him because he was bulging so much.



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