Kona water temperature has bumped up to 81 or so...

We've had a pretty big south swell the last few days, but it seems to have brought the temp up a bit.

Sometimes you just gotta work for your dinner! Here's some turtles eating (or attempting to anyway) algae off the rocks on a mildly surgy day down at the Place of Refuge right near the "2 Steps" entry point. I sometimes wonder what they do when the surf is really up. I compressed this video a bit more than I should have, so pardon the pixellation.

I've been doing primarily students the last couple of weeks, seems sort of odd because I've really only had a couple sets of students the last several months and have been taking out certified divers primarily. My business has changed over time. When I started my shore diving business, it was primarily instruction. Now that I've added the boat I appeal much more to the certified crowd.

Something I did last week which was kind of neat was an open water student who had certified family and friends that hadn't dove in years. We did the class for her, and mom and friend also joined in for the entire class as a refresher. I cut the divers a deal on the cost of the class to where it was essentially cost a little more that just going out and doing the 4 dives would've cost. A lot of people would benefit from doing this type of thing after having been out of the water for several years. It's easy to forget some things, especially the important stuff involving handing emergencies that you probably will never need to use... but it's nice to know what to do if needed. They're all back in the swing of it now and ready to go if they decide they want to get back into the hobby on a regular basis.



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