Tried my Olympus sp-350 camera underwater for some photography today...


I am. I picked up an Olympus sp-350 and it's housing for use underwater, with hopes of renting it out if I had good results. Today I did a short dive (my first with this camera) during our surface interval and took several shots... I was quite happy with the results.

We had some pretty Kona experienced divers today and took them up to a spot north of the northernmost Kona day use mooring to do a live boat dive. It was a very nice dive, lots of canyons and topography. They apparently saw 2-3 mantas (daytime), depending on who's counting, and one diver swore they saw a marlin off the dropoff.

After the dive we moved down to "Hoover's" and I took a "Captain's dive" during the surface interval to see if I could find that frogfish from last week. Bob described the location and off I went. No luck. I decided to play with the camera using the "underwater macro" setting. This setting is really nice. I have to figure out exactly what it is and try it manually. I figure they bump up the shutter speed to stop motion, bump up the f-stop to give a bit of depth of field, and fire the flash most of the time depending on lighting. Only one of the shots didn't have a flash fire, most of the shots were quite workable.

Here's a shot, probably one of the best teethy shots I've taken yet, of a Whitemouth moray (Gymnothorax meleagris) taken with the camera. I took two others that showed the eel better, but this one was great for showing off the teeth.



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