Current Kona Hawaii water temperature is 75 or so.

Last night they had a record count at the manta ray night dive. 23 mantas!!!! I wasn't there but I'm heading out there for tonight's dive with 4 divers and a ride along.

The last couple of days I've had some students taking their open water course. They were lucky enough to see dolphins underwater on their very first dive, as well as a sleeping whitetip reef shark and several turtles.

Yesterday we had a certified diver on as well so he had his own private guide. Apparently they saw 2 pregnant whitetip reef sharks on the first dive off Lone Tree Arch and then at Garden Eel Cove saw a manta ray on the second dive. The students finished their course and are joining us for tonight's night dive.

Here's another photo of a fried egg nudibranch I took ages ago with the older camera. I had a tough time getting a good pic of these nudibranchs with that camera for some reason. The camera had an onboard flash but I was always either under-exposing or over-exposing the shots on these nudibranchs. I could never figure out why. This one turned out OK with a little photoshop help.



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