Day off today... I went scuba diving.

Yesterday we had a nice charter, it was the last day for one of my return groups. I had a stuffy left ear (perils of the business) so my DM/Captain did both dives while I captained the boat. We did two drift dives off the Old Airport area.

Today both my wife and I had days off together, that's getting fewer and farther between. We had a couple of full 63s (cubic foot tanks for non-divers who may be reading) in the garage so we decided to do a dive down at the Place of Refuge at the spot commonly called "2 steps". It was a much nicer day than we had for shore diving from time to time the last couple of weeks. It was still stirred up a bit, but we had good solid 80'+ viz. Today's dive - 97' for 57 minutes diving at various depths. Nothing spectacular, but a relaxing dive and I was able to get 3 or 4 keeper shots with the camera.

Here's a shot of a spotted puffer.



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